If you are trying to complete a 6 month assessment but are being prompted to complete Sections 4 and 7, then the record has been transferred incorrectly by the previous team. Please request the record to be revoked back to the previous team and transferred using the 6 month assessment tool:
- Email the SSNAP helpdesk (ssnap@kcl.ac.uk) and request that the record be revoked back to the previous team (so that the previous team can re-transfer the record via the 6 month assessment tool instead).
- Contact the previous team and explain that they have incorrectly transferred the record and how to correctly transfer the record.
Team codes and contact information can be accessed by webtool users here: www.strokeaudit.org > Resources > Team codes and contacts.
Sample email to be sent to teams who have transferred the records incorrectly:
Dear ,
We have requested that record (SSNAP ID: XXXXXXX) be revoked back to your team.
This is because the record has been transferred incorrectly.
For 6 month assessment data to be entered, the record has to be transferred in a different way than a normal pre-6-month transfer would be: via the 6 month assessment tool.
Please could you discharge this record to 'home', 'care home' or 'somewhere else' (if the patient was discharged off the stroke pathway) in Q7.1. Then transfer the record via the 6 month assessment tool.
Please see here: for a full explanation and guidance on how to transfer a record for 6 month assessment: https://ssnap.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017063497-How-do-I-transfer-a-record-to-another-team-to-complete-the-6-month-assessment-
Many thanks,