You can enter 6 month assessment data for records that have been locked to discharge and those locked to 72 hours.
Records locked to discharge
If the record has been appropriately discharged and locked by the previous team, the 6 month assessment team can add the record to their team and complete the assessment. Find the record through Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and transfer records and select "Search for patient ready for six month assessment". If the record says "Transfer", you can transfer the record to your team. The form can be completed in Clinical Case Management (section 8).
Records not locked to discharge
If the record has not been locked to discharge by the previous team, you can still enter and save the 6 month assessment data. You cannot transfer the record to your team. Find the record through Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and transfer records and select "Search for patient ready for six month assessment". The record will say "Not locked to discharge" and you have the option to "Enter 6 month details".
Then, once the previous team has locked the record to discharge you will be able to transfer the record to your team (as above) and lock the record to 6 months. Records that your team have already entered 6 month assessment data for but have not yet been added to your team can be found here: Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and Transfer records and select "List six month assessments already entered". You can edit the data already entered and if the option is available and transfer the record to your team.