Importing for inpatients is available to those that previously imported onto the old SSNAP webtool. Guidance on importing into the new webtool is available below.
**Current, temporary functionality issues with the import function (note: fixes under development, issues will be addressed in upcoming releases)**
- The ability to lock a record as it is imported is currently not available. To lock a record you must enter the record under Study Records and manually lock the record to both 72 hours and discharge. For guidance on locking records please see here: Please do not select ‘Lock complete records’ on the import screen.
- There is currently an issue with importing into records that were previously imported. Whilst we work on this, please select ‘Do not import” for ‘Existing records (by ID)’.
Accessing the import screen
- Select the team you wish to import into
2. Select the ‘Stroke dataset’ under the search bar
3. Select ‘Import’ along the menu bar. ‘Import’ will not be available if you are in the Inpatient, TIA or Other datasets.
Access to the import screen has been granted to those who previously had access on the old webtool. If you do not have access and require this, then please email
Import file
Please make sure to use the most updated import specification. The import specification can be found here:
Ensure that the team code for the team you wish to import data into is recorded in the SiteCode column in your import file. If this is not included the import will not be successful. You can only import for one team at a time and so this code should be the same for all records in a single file.
For the best results and to best identify any errors within an import please make sure the import file contains ALL fields marked as an Import column within the SSNAP import specification. The fields do not have to be populated in the import file. This is 306 fields.
Please populate both the ImportID and ImportIdentifier fields with your unique import identifier. We are confirming with our web developers which field is required so please use both fields for now.
ImportID and ImportIdentifier
The ImportID (and ImportIdentifier) can be set up as any value, including numeric and alphabetic values. The ImportID must be different for each patient record – if the same ImportIdentifier is used the webtool will treat this as a change to an existing record. The ImportIdentifier cannot be a patient identifier, so it must not include name or NHS number. We would recommend that once records have been imported, that the Patient Audit Number (PatientId) assigned to the record is recorded in your local system against the ImportIdentifier. The SSNAP helpdesk team will refer to patient records using the Patient Audit Number assigned by the webtool rather than the ImportIdentifier.
Performing an import
On the import screen select ‘Choose file’ and locate your desired import file. The contents of the file are then shown on the import screen. Green signifies the cell contains an accepted value and orange that the cell contains a value that is not accepted. In cases where the question cannot be blank, orange will also indicate a blank cell.
The default selection on the import screen is “Test import”. Running a test import will allow you to identify any serious errors with the import before you proceed to import the data into the webtool. When you are ready to run the test press “Import” and the file will be processed.
Errors are shown in the final column on the import screen. Types of errors you may encounter are listed below. You will also receive a processing email with this information once an import has been completed (including test imports). The website shows the question number the error relates to, however the processing email shows the full field name. Currently the processing email assigns the record a number based on its row in the import file (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.). We are working to update this to the ImportID/ImportIdentifier.
If you are happy with the outcome of the test import then you can proceed to import the data.
To import the data, we recommend that you select Ignore errors for the Import method. This allows the importing of partially complete records, e.g. records that may only be complete for the first 72 hours. If “Ignore errors” is not selected then partially completed records will not be imported as missing data shows as the field being “Required”. This does mean that all errors are ignored, including validation errors, however these are highlighted in the error log and the record itself. If you run a test import first these errors can be amended before proceeding.
After Ignore errors has been selected press “Import” and the file will be processed.
Import options
We are currently getting clarity from our web developers on the function of each button on the import screen.
To note for now:
- Selecting ‘Lock complete records’ will not lock the records. Please do not select this option. To lock a record you must enter the record under Study Records and manually lock the record to both 72 hours and discharge. For guidance on locking records please see here:
- There is currently an issue with importing into records that were previously imported. Whilst we work on this, please select ‘Do not import” for ‘Existing records (by ID)’.
Types of errors
- Validation error, e.g. S01FirstArrivalDateTime : Must be after or equal to onset date/time or S02RankinBeforeStroke : must be less than 5. This errors means that the field does not meet the validation rules of the webtool. The correct validation is clearly stated and the field (or another related field if it’s a date/time validation) should be updated.
- Required error, e.g. S02NihssArrivalBestGaze : Required. This means that the question is required to be answered in order for the record to be fully complete and locked. This may be common if you are importing a partially completed record, e.g. complete to 72 hours, to then import further data or to transfer on to another team to complete the record. As long as the question should be blank at this moment for your team, you can proceed with the import.
- Comparison value not entered, e.g. S06PhysioByDischargeDateTime : Comparison value not entered. This means that a question included in the validation for the highlighted question has not been answered. This typically shows for questions in section 6 which are validated against the discharge date/time, and if the discharge date/time has not been entered then this error will show. As long as you are happy with this, you can proceed with the import.
Duplicate record, e.g. Duplicate Record SSNAP ID: 376. Please check to see if patient is already on system as hospital number and date suggest this is a duplicate. This means a record has already been created that is flagged as a duplicate for this record in the import file. The existing ID is shown in the error as well as the reason a duplicate has been flagged. A duplicate will be flagged if:
- Arrival date and NHS number are not unique
- Arrival date and forename, surname and date of birth are not unique
- Arrival date and hospital number are not unique.
Guidance on entering data for a patient that had a second stroke is available here:
These errors are not shown in the test import.