1. Who should start the thrombectomy record?
The thrombectomy record should be started by the team performing the initial assessments. If your team sees the patient first and performs the initial assessments (even if they were not admitted to the hospital) you should start the record and then transfer to the thrombectomy centre.
2. Who should answer Q2.11.0 and Q2.11?
For patients who are referred for thrombectomy, Q2.11.0 should be answered by the first admitting team. The remaining thrombectomy questions should be asnwered by the thrombectomy-performing centre.
Please only record data that your team collected. For Q2.11, if your team did not perform the thrombectomy, please answer 'No' or leave blank.
- If the record is transferred within 24h, you need to complete sections 1, 4 and 7 to be able to transfer the record. Leave Q2.11 blank.
- If the record is transferred within 24h-72h, you need to complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 7 to be able to transfer the record. Answer 'No' to Q2.11.
Only the team performing the thrombectomy should enter 'Yes' for Q2.11.
3. How should Q1.14 and Q4.7 be answered for patients transferred for thrombectomy?
For patients thrombolysed/seen in ED who do not go to a ward, you can enter these options:
4.7: Date rehabilitation goals agreed: No goals
4.7.1: If no goals agreed, what was the reason?: Patient medically unwell for entire admission
4. How should abandoned or failed procedures be recorded?
If the procedure got to the point of groin puncture then this should be recorded as normal, even if the procedure failed, was abandoned or was discontinued.
If the device was not deployed, then please record in 2.11.6(b).