1. Many of our patients are sent home with ESD and CRT but that is not a joint ESD/CRT service, it is standalone ESD and CRT. When inputting into the webtool how do we answer 7.7 (Was the patient discharged with an Early Supported Discharge multidisciplinary team?), 7.8 (Was the patient discharged with a multidisciplinary community rehabilitation team?) and 7.8.1 (Was the patient discharged with a combined ESD-CRT service?), as "Yes" can only be answered to one of the three questions?
On SSNAP a community rehabilitation team can be registered as either a standalone ESD, a standalone CRT or a combined ESD-CRT service, and so only one of the questions will apply. To support answering these questions a list of team types for community services is available by going to www.strokeaudit.org > Resources > Team codes and contacts, and downloading "Non-inpatient team types". Community services are asked to self-assess their team type by using the following supporting guidance: Self-assessment guidance for service types delivering community stroke care.
2. If the patient required help with personal activities of daily living (Q7.9) and "Informal carers" is selected for Q7.9.1 (What support did they receive?), how should Q7.9.3 (At point of discharge, how many visits per day did the patient require?) and Q7.9.4 (How many carers?) be answered?
The validation for this question has been updated on the webtool. Q7.9.3 and Q7.9.4 will only be available if Q7.9.1 is "Paid carers" or "Paid and informal carers".
3. Where is the date of referral to ESD/CRT taken from?
The date of referral is taken from the date/time of discharge from the inpatient service as recorded in Q7.3.