1. Is the 128 minutes of therapy a day across 5 days or 7 days? What happens if one or more of the therapy team no longer need to see a patient as goals achieved, does the 128 minutes need to be met from all categories by the remaining involved therapist(s)?
To achieve key indicator 5.2 (Percentage of patients achieving the NICE target for total therapy dose received) a patient would need to achieve an average of 128 minutes of total therapy per day they are with the team. 128 minutes has been calculated from the target of 180 minutes (3 hours) of total therapy per day, 5 out of 7 days a week. Key indicator 5.2 applies to total therapy (including Other) and a patient does not need to achieve this for each individual therapy domain to achieve the indicator.
2. Is there going to be an option for patients that are medically unwell and not meeting the 3 hours?
The calculation of the SSNAP score considers that it is not appropriate for all patients to receive 128 minutes of therapy a day. To calculate the score for key indicator 5.2, the percentage of patients receiving 128 minutes of therapy per day is multiplied by 2.2 and capped at a score of 100. This means that if at a given team, 46% of patients receive 128 minutes of therapy per day, the team achieves the top score for this indicator.
Guidance on the scoring process is available in the Scoring Summary.
3. Why are the key indicators for Occupational Therapist assessment and Physiotherapist assessment within 24 hours, but the dataset is still collecting within 72 hours?
The dataset has been maintained at 72 hours for consistency of data collection.