Once you have entered the data for a patient, you can transfer the record in Section 7 of the dataset.
First, select in 7.1 the correct response for the patient. If the patient died, was discharged 'to a care home', 'home' or to 'somewhere else', or was 'transferred to a team that is not participating in SSNAP', you will not require the next step.
If the patient was transferred to 'another inpatient care team' or 'to an ESD/Community team' then question 7.1.3 will become available.
You can select the team that the patient was transferred to in the drop-down list. You can either scroll through the list, or you can start typing the team name/code.
Once you have selected the team, and you have completed all of the necessary information in the dataset, you will have the option to transfer the patient by selecting the "Hospital Team Transfer" button at the bottom of the page.
Once you click to transfer you will be asked to confirm the team:
After clicking 'OK' you will receive confirmation that the record has been transferred in the bottom right of the screen
Please ensure these rules are followed or the record will not transfer.
If a patient has been transferred within 24 hours then it may be that some of the questions in section 3 cannot be answered by the first team. The record can be transferred without locking to 72h and the next team can edit Sections 1-3. You need to complete section 1, 4 and 7 to be able to transfer the record.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to different legal requirements in Northern Ireland, teams in Northern Ireland cannot enter patient identifiable information on SSNAP. This also means that records cannot be transferred between Northern Ireland and England/Wales, and vice versa. If you need to transfer a record to Northern Ireland you will have to discharge to "Somewhere else".