The webtool enables entering and exporting of data, obtaining important resources, and viewing results.
The first admitting team usually starts and transfers the record. If no acute record exists, the record can be started by the post-acute team using the new webtool function. Find out more here: How to start a record for community teams
- Note: If a community provider adds a new record only section 4 & 7 will need to be completed
There are Non-acute strokes Helpnotes, Helpnotes for core-dataset,ESD CRT SSNAP helpnotes available for guidance on how to enter data on the webtool.
How to use the webtool
Locking |
Once sufficient data has been entered, records can be locked. Only ‘locked’ data are included in SSNAP analysis. |
Unlocking |
If you have made an error in data entry or you have more data to add, you should unlock the record. |
Revoking |
If you have transferred the record to the wrong team or need to make changes to a record already transferred. You can revoke back to your team |
Deleting |
A deletion can be requested if a record was duplicated, diagnosis has changed from stroke or the record was started at the wrong team. |
Transferring a record |
Once you have entered the data for a patient, you can transfer the record in Section 7 of the dataset. |
How to do an export - Teams can check data they have imported into the webtool; the export file can be used to double‐check the records, particularly before data submission deadlines for SSNAP reports. Please note you will need the 7-zip software for an export.