Please see below information on finding, transferring and entering 6 month assessment data for records with an admission date/clock start prior to 1/10/2024. Patients with a clock start from 1/10/2024 should have their 6 month assessment data entered onto the new webtool. Details of this process can be found here.
1. The previous team has not locked the record to discharge so I can't transfer the record to my team for the 6 month assessment.
If you have completed the 6 month assessment data and are waiting for the previous team to lock the record to discharge, you should email the previous team and ask them to lock the record to discharge and transfer the record to you via the 6 month assessment tool.
Contact information for all teams on SSNAP can be found here: > Resources > Team codes and contacts. If you aren’t sure which team was the last team to enter data, please email the SSNAP helpdesk ( with the SSNAP ID number of the record in question.
2. Why do I have to complete Sections 4 and 7 when I only complete the 6 month assessment?
If you are trying to complete a 6 month assessment but are being prompted to complete Sections 4 and 7, then the record has been transferred incorrectly by the previous team. Please request the record to be revoked back to the previous team and transferred using the 6 month assessment tool:
- Email the SSNAP helpdesk ( and request that the record be revoked back to the previous team (so that the previous team can re-transfer the record via the 6 month assessment tool instead).
- Contact the previous team and explain that they have incorrectly transferred the record and how to correctly transfer the record.
Team codes and contact information can be accessed by webtool users here: > Resources > Team codes and contacts.
3. When can I enter my 6 month assessment data?
You can enter 6 month assessment data for records that have been locked to discharge and those locked to 72 hours.
Records locked to discharge
If the record has been appropriately discharged and locked by the previous team, the 6 month assessment team can add the record to their team and complete the assessment. Find the record through Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and transfer records and select "Search for patient ready for six month assessment". If the record says "Transfer", you can transfer the record to your team. The form can be completed in Clinical Case Management (section 8).
Records not locked to discharge
If the record has not been locked to discharge by the previous team, you can still enter and save the 6 month assessment data. You cannot transfer the record to your team. Find the record through Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and transfer records and select "Search for patient ready for six month assessment". The record will say "Not locked to discharge" and you have the option to "Enter 6 month details".
Then, once the previous team has locked the record to discharge you will be able to transfer the record to your team (as above) and lock the record to 6 months. Records that your team have already entered 6 month assessment data for but have not yet been added to your team can be found here: Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and Transfer records and select "List six month assessments already entered". You can edit the data already entered and if the option is available and transfer the record to your team.
4. How do I transfer a record to another team to complete the 6month assessment?
- Go to Clinical > 6 month assessment > Enter and transfer records and select "Search for patient ready for six month assessment".
- Select the team performing the 6 month review in the first dropdown box.
- Select the last team to treat the patient in the second dropdown box.
- You will then need to enter either the SSNAP ID and NHS number, or the SSNAP ID OR NHS Number and one of a, b or c below to search.
To transfer the record, click the transfer button (this only appears once the record has been locked to discharge)
If the record has not been locked to discharge "Not locked to discharge, Not authorised to enter 6 month details" appears (see below).
Please note: if you transfer records for 6-month assessment via Clinical Case Management (Section 7), sections 4, 7 and 8 will be left incomplete for the 6 month assessment provider team. As the 6-month assessment provider only needs to fill in section 8 (6 month assessment), they will not be able to complete the record and lock to 6 months. When the record is transferred via the 6 month assessment tool, the 6 month assessment provider team will only be required to complete Section 8 and not be prompted to complete Sections 4 and 7. Click here for more information.
Please note: If the team that started the stroke record on SSNAP is also providing the patient’s six month assessment, and the patient was not transferred to another team for continued care along the stroke pathway, this team can simply enter in the details of the six month assessment into section 8 of the dataset once the record is locked to discharge in section 7. No transferring or collecting is required.
5. How do I lock a record to 6 months?
Once you have entered your 6 month assessment data you will need to lock the record to 6 months to submit it to SSNAP for data analysis. The process of locking signifies that the data have been signed off by the Lead Clinician and are ready for central analysis, this ensures high data quality in SSNAP reports.
To lock a record, view the record in Clinical Case Management and click the ‘Lock’ button at the top.
6. How can I find the records that have already been locked to 6 months?
You can search for the records that are ready to be locked to 6 months on the ‘Records ready for assessment’ page.
To view the ‘Records ready for assessment’ page, go to > Clinical > 6 month assessment > Records ready for assessment.
- Select your team in the dropdown box
- Enter the relevant date range
- Click the ‘See Patient IDs for unlocked records’ button.
The records for which 6 month data has been entered but which have not yet been fully locked to 6 months are listed under the section ‘Cases with complete sections 1-8 and not fully locked’ for your date range .
7. When should I lock the record to 6 months
Once the record has been locked to 6 months, none of the contributing teams will be able to add any more data to the record. If the 6 month assessment provider locks the record to 6 months but the previous team still needs to enter their data, the record will need to be revoked and unlocked back to the previous team. Please email the SSNAP helpdesk ( with the patient’s SSNAP ID number to request that the record be unlocked.
8. Why can't I enter the 6 month assessment data?
Record not locked to 72h
If the record has not been locked to 72h, the 6 month assessment cannot be entered and saved. Once the record has been found, it will say "Not locked to 72h" and you do not have the option to enter 6 month details.
Discharge type cannot be transferred
If the record says "Discharge type cannot be transferred", the record has been locked to discharge, however it is not ready to be added to the 6 month assessment team. One reason for this is that the record has been discharged to another team and not transferred on the webtool. The record will need to be discharged appropriately before the record can be added to your team.
6 month assessment already locked
If the record says "Six month assessment already locked", this means that either the patient has died when on the stroke care pathway or the assessment has been completed and locked by another team.
6 month assessment being performed by another team
If the assessment has been started by another team but not yet added to that team and locked, the record will say "6 month assessment being performed by team XXX".
If your team should be entering the 6 month assessment data but the record has been transferred to a different 6 month assessment provider by the previous team, please contact the team that transferred the record incorrectly. You should ask that they revoke the record back to their team and transfer the record to your team instead. Team codes and contact information can be found here: > Resources > Team codes and contact information. If you are unable to contact the previous team please email the SSNAP helpdesk: